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Discover the complete list of allowed user attributes by Cryptr that can be synced with your directory and ensure successful configuration.

Here is a list of all the attributes that are allowed by Cryptr:

idUnique identifierYesNo
externalIdString identifier defined by the provisionning clientYesNo
metaComplex attribute containing resource metadata (resourceType, created, lastModified, location, version)YesNo
userNameService provider's unique identifier for the userYesYes
nameComponents of the user's name (formatted, familyName, givenName, middleName, honorificPrefix honorificSuffix)YesNo
displayNameThe name of the user, suitable for displayYesNo
nickNameThe casual way to address the userYesNo
profileUrlA URI that is a uniform resource locatorYesNo
titleThe user's titleYesNo
userTypeUsed to identify the relationship between the user and the organizationYesNo
preferredLanguageIndicates the user's preferred languageYesNo
localeThe user's default locationYesNo
timezoneThe user's timezoneYesNo
activeBoolean value indicating the user's administrative statusYesNo
emailsList of email addresses for the userPartial (only one email is allowed, by default the primary email is taken, else the work email or the first email in the list)No
phoneNumbersList of phone numbers for the user.YesNo
imsInstant messaging address for the userYesNo
photosA List of URI that point to a resource locationYesNo
addressesList of addresses for the user. All sub-attributes of an address are formatted, streetAddress, locality, region, postalCode, countryPartial (only one address is allowed, by default the primary address is taken, else the work address or the first address in the list)No
groupsList of groups to which the user belogsYesNo
entitlementsA list of entitlements for the userYesNo
rolesA list of roles for the userYesNo
x509CertificatesA list of certificates associated with the resourceYesNo