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API Key & Environment

Learn about API keys, their secure usage, and authentication methods. Ensure data protection with these essential API key explanations.

What's an API Key ?


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is a resource that allows you to manage some resources on your Cryptr service through REST depending on its scope of permissions.

Using a client_credentials flow you'll be able to authenticate your requests .

Here are the

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properties that will represent the full authorization scope:

Property NametypeDescriptionExample
managed_tenant_domainsdomain arrayList of all organizations that this API key can work on['misapret', 'new-company']
allowed_databasestringWhich environment that the API Key can work on on above domain resourcessandbox
namestringFriendly name of the API key to let you find it easier"My sandbox API key for xy company"
tagstringAuto generated slug from name value my-sandbox-api-key-for-xy-company
permissionsList of permissionsDetermines for which actions on which resources you want this API Key to have rights on

So you can, for example, creates an

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for only one Organization, in sandbox environment only allowed to create user .

1. Where can I find my API Key?

During your onboarding you get a sandbox API Key with full authorizations on all resources.

To find this Key:

  1. Login to your Cryptr Account on
    Cryptr Dashboard - Login
  2. Once logged in, your key is located at the top of your home page. Cryptr Dashboard - Sandbox Key

For your production needs we strongly encourage you to create restricted access production

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for specific usages avoiding any unwanted actions made by this one. To obtain one, contact the Cryptr team.

2. How to Safely Utilize Your API Keys


Cryptr does not keep created

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credentials, so keep it with care .

You can always request new ones in case of loss or blacklist your

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in case of compromission.

It's important that your Cryptr

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remains secret, we encorage you to define them as environment variables such as


In a dedicated environment, remember to set the CRYPTR_SERVICE_URL as environment_variable.

This ensures proper communication with the service and enables customization of service URL base on your environment.

Cryptr Service URL for dedicated instance

3. How to Authenticate with Your API Key

Since your

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is known from your application you can now use th client_credentials
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flow to authenticate your request on our API.

Here is an example how to retrieve and access token :

curl -X POST '${cryptr_service_url}/oauth/token' \
-d grant_type="client_credentials" \
-d client_id="${cryptr_client_id}" \
-d client_secret="${cryptr_client_secret}" \
-d audience="communitiz-app" \

From this request you'l get an access_token that you'll have to use as Authorization Bearer header in your requests.

For example if you want to create a new

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here is an example:

curl -X POST '${cryptr_service_url}/api/v2/organizations' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ...' \
-d name='New company' \
-d 'allowed_email_domains[]'=''

What's next

Cryptr API Exploration with Postman
Discover how to authenticate and utilize the Cryptr collection requests with this guide.