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How to manage hook delivery attempts and retries

Sometimes your application can't handle receiving webhook events. We give you the best practices to manage your exceptions.

It is important to manage your Webhooks well. For this there are some tips and information that could be useful to you.

Select the events you want to receive

A smart selection of events received is the first thing to do. Think carefully about what events really matter to you. Indeed, having a webhooks that manage all the events can be tempting but it could quickly overload your

The fallback content to display on prerendering
and make reading complicated. That's why it's better to focus on quality over quantity by limiting yourself to the events you really need.

For example, if I need to know when a user is created through SCIM, I have to listen to the event dir_sync.user.provision.success.

The different status codes that you can return

The first thing to do when you receive an event is, of course, to send us a response with a 2xx code. But you can also use other codes that will be taken into account differently at Cryptr.

2xx codes

All codes between 199 and 300 not included are codes signifying successful sending. Cryptr will then interpret these responses as such and suppose that you have received the event.

410 Code

The 410 code is used to inform us that you wish to cancel the sending of an event. If you send us a 410 code then we will stop sending you this event.

4xx codes

For all other 4xx codes Cryptr will attempt to resend the event to you at different intervals which are as follows:

Initial attempt0
Attempt #15 minutes
Attempt #210 minutes
Attempt #320 minutes
Attempt #41 hour
Attempt #42 hours

503 retry-after

This option, which can be included in the http header of your HTTP response you send us, allows you to define yourself a duration after which we will retry to send you the event. To do this, simply send to us a 503 response code and include in the http header of your HTTP response the key retry-after followed by a value in seconds. For example:

{“retry-after”, 60}

This will restart sending an event to your

The fallback content to display on prerendering
after 60 seconds.