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Learn to activate your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). We provide a TOTP strategy for an Organization on your Login Gateway with your customized User Interface : from the activation of the TOTP to the final login try. Or embed directly in your app with Headless Integration strategy here

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  • Quickstart
  • 15 min
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A TOTP is a Time-based One-Time Password, which allows

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to securely access a web
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thanks to a second security factor. Indeed, after the
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logs in, he will receive a unique code by SMS or via a TOTP App. Once entered into the application, this code will enable the user to access the desired service. This additional security feature is becoming increasingly popular, making traditional authentication more secure, and less sensitive.

However, it is important to ensure a number of security measures, for example, that the code is only usable for a short period of time.

What we will build together

  1. Configure a TOTP
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  2. Add TOTP to your
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  1. A Cryptr account
  2. An IdP account from a Cryptr-supported identity provider to help you configure an IdP instance for your development

Step 1: Integrate to your Application


If you have already integrated Cryptr in an

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, you can directly go to Step 2

Start integrate to your favourite techno


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Your login

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is almost the same whatever the authentication strategy, only the chosen authentication strategy changes the
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. Within the
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of the TOTP
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, cryptr manages for you the various exchanges with the TOTP solutions of your customers, as well as their specificities.

Single Page App

Backend Integration

Step 2: Configure your first TOTP Connection

The Cryptr API

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object definitions

  • Organization: An Organization represents a business customer or partner in your Cryptr service.
  • TOTP Connection: You can create or update TOTP
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    preferences for an Organization (usualy your Enterprise customer). Everything to setup for the TOTP.

Environment variables

It is important that your Cryptr

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remains secret, and therefore is defined as a CRYPTR_API_KEY environment variable at the start of your
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. The ID of your
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CRYPTR_CLIENT_ID must also be defined.


If you don't have

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, please create an account


Login to your Cryptr space to create an

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. Cryptr does not keep the created
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, keep it with care
. You can always create a new one in case of loss, or blacklist your
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in case of compromise.

Create your Users directory

The Organization owner

An Organization is the

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of your customers with a strong identifier we called the
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. All created users will be stored in dedicated environnment for this customers, with a unique identifier to scope your actions in connexion with this customers. So we need to create the place where we'll store users & configuration of this new customer, then get the identifier.

Create a new Organization with a name:

curl -X POST ${cryptr_service_url}/api/v2/organizations \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your-access-token-from-client-id-and-secret" \
-d name="Communitiz App" \
-d email_domains[]="communitiz-app"

Now we get the domain of our new Organization, here communitiz-app is the domain identifier. Now, each time a new user will be created from our TOTP, or we add a new configuration, it will be stored in a clean separated

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We can fetch the users from this Organization:

curl "${cryptr_service_url}/api/v2/org/${org_domain}/users" \
-d page=${page}
-d per_page=${per_page}

Of course, at this time our list is empty. To see more about Organization and User, please have a look at our Organization API Reference and User API Reference. We can store the

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of our Organization, and attach a TOTP
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to this. But we need to handle the user
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Setting up a TOTP connection

Let's configure an TOTP

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for a given Organization, which wants to add a security layer of authentication via TOTP.
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can be configured via the Cryptr
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or the back office.

When an Organization is created, Cryptr automatically prepares two environments for you: a sandbox and your default environment (for your production).


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With a created Organization, and an

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, we can create TOTP Conneciton between your
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& your customer (the Organization).

In fact, the TOTP connection is already created by default, but is not activated. Let's see how to activate it.

Create a new TOTP

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curl -X PUT ${cryptr_service_url}/api/v2/org/${org_domain}/totp-connection \
-d active=true
Manage the Totp

Here are the other possible actions for managing totp

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Update the Totp Connection

This request will help you to update the Totp params.

curl -X PUT ${cryptr_service_url}/api/v2/org/${org_domain}/totp-connection \
-d active=true

Deactivate the Totp Connection

curl -X PUT ${cryptr_service_url}/api/v2/org/${org_domain}/totp-connection \
-d active=false

Retrieve the Totp Connection

curl "${cryptr_service_url}/api/v2/org/${org_domain}/totp-connection"

You are now able to view the params of your Totp

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Users enrollment

First login (TOTP Mobile APP Method)

To be able to use TOTP, your users will have to be enrolled.

To do this, when your TOTP

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is activated and they initiate a login process, they will be redirected to a page containing a QR Code. This QR code will enable them to enroll (in the case of the TOTP Mobile APP method).

Once scanned on their TOTP mobile application (FreeOTP, Google Authenticator...) they can click on a button to access the next page. On this page, they'll be asked to enter their first TOTP (the one given to them by their application). Once this has been done and the process validated, your users will be enrolled.

If the TOTP is valid, users will then see a page where five recovery codes are displayed. These codes can be downloaded by the user as a text file and used if the user loses access to their TOTP application.

Users will then be prompted to confirm the download of their recovery codes. Once validated, a session is opened.


These recovery codes must be stored as carefully as a password (they must not be divulged or stored on the same device as the TOTP application ...).

Moreover, they are single-use, so a user can only use recovery codes 5 times. Once this number has been exceeded, you'll need to force the enrollment of your user. Finally, codes can only be used once in a 24-hour period.

Subsequent login

In the case of an already enrolled user, the next time they log on, they'll only be asked to enter a TOTP code.

API endpoint used in this guide

You can read more about

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during this guide with our API Reference.